- テロ資金供与防止条約{しきん きょうよ ぼうし じょうやく}
international convention for the suppression of the financing of terrorism 意味
- "international convention for the protection of new varieties of plants" 意味
- "international convention for the protection of performers, producers of phonograms and broadcasting organizations" 意味
- "international convention for the protection of the rights of all migrant workers and members of their families" 意味
- "international convention for the regulation of whaling" 意味
- "international convention for the safety of life at sea" 意味
- "international convention on all form of racial discrimination" 意味
- "international convention on civil liability for oil pollution damage" 意味
- "international convention on load lines" 意味
- "international convention on standards of training certification and watchkeeping for seafarers" 意味
- "international convention for the regulation of whaling" 意味
- "international convention for the safety of life at sea" 意味
- "international convention on all form of racial discrimination" 意味
- "international convention on civil liability for oil pollution damage" 意味